Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hungarian postcards

I have these postcards which are about 100 years old and written in Hungarian, and I wonder if anyone can help to translate them.

The first postcard is addressed to "Tek Mojszezku Iles" in Torontal, Nagy Szent Miklos, Hungary (now Sinnicolau Mare, Romania.) My great-grandparents were Ilie Moisescu from Sinnicolau Mare and Gizela Bartusek from Pest. I believe the card was written by Ilie's brother-in-law Feri (Ferenc) Bartusek who lived in Budapest. It appears to mention his nephew Bela and niece Valeria "Vali."

The second one is addressed to my grandmother Valeria Mojszeszku (the Hungarian spelling of Moisescu) and I am wondering if the address is near Budapest. I'd like to learn what it says, and who it is from. Valeria was only 2 years old in 1911; maybe her father sent it to her from New York? (I say this because I know he immigrated to the U.S. first, and the rest of the family followed in November 1911.)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.